
Top 6 silly things rich people own

If you have a huge bank balance it can become really hard to control your urge of going on shopping. After working for days and burning the midnight oil when you earn enough money to finally get something you have been waiting to buy, the feeling is indescribable. Well, rich guys seem to keep themselves always happy by getting every single thing they like without even giving a single glance at the price tag. You would be amazed to know the silly things rich people own.

By doing so they end up buying always the dumbest thing that no one will ever want to buy. Like some things are just uselessly existing in the posh places and it makes you think why would someone even make things like these? Know about the top dumbest expensive things that rich people actually bought.

#1 Toilet made of gold!

It is common for rich people to have a posh house but do they really need an entire toilet made of gold. From the flooring to the toilet paper, every toiletry present in these posh houses is made up of pure gold! If you had this much money, would you really want a toilet made of gold?

#2 15 million dollars iPhone!

silly things rich people own million dollar iPhone
source: techIaand.time

The iPhone 5 is covered completely with gold and diamonds. It is filled with 26 karats black diamond and has rare white diamonds as its outer-casting. Just imagine a phone made of diamond and gold drops from your hand and cracks? that would be a nightmare!

There are people who love Apple products and especially iPhone but can seriously who can spend so much on an expensive product?

#3 Weird art!

silly things rich people own weird art
source: wsj

We have seen many rich people having a hobby to collect art. But Steve Cohen spent around 11 billion dollars to buy art from Damien Hirst. It is a 14-foot tiger shark in a tank that is filled with formaldehyde and the shark is actually stuffed and is left open-mouthed.

No matter how expensive, it is really scary to watch a shark in a middle of a room. Truly a weird art that is not something that anyone can own!

#4 Floating bed

silly things rich people own floating bed
source: pinterest

Sleep is important to all of us and we do want a comfortable bed to have a good night’s sleep right? But are you ready to pay around $1.6 million for just a bed? Janjaap Ruijssenaars came up with a floating bed which he designed for 6 years.

The bed is suspended by magnets and hangs in the air at around 1.3 feet above the ground. Does this bed really worth spending so much money on it?

#5 Shirt made of gold!

silly things rich people own gold shirt
source: guardian

If you have too much money then why not invest it in a shirt? Datta Phuge got this 22 karat gold shirt which weighs around 10 pounds. The value of the shirt might go up to $250,000 and thus he gained the nickname “The gold man”. Well, many people love wearing gold but this man took it to a whole next level which can be hardly beaten!

#6 A house for a dog!

silly things rich people own house for a dog
source: hellomagazine

Paris Hilton surely shows her affection to her puppies in a great way. From getting a diamond dog collar to building a mini-mansion for them, she really pampers her puppies. The dog mansion is an exact replica of her own mansion and it even has a working air conditioner inside it. The mansion is filled with furniture and dressers with dog clothes.

These were some of the dumbest but most expensive things bought by rich people. Let us know what you think about them and which one did you find the silliest on the list.

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