Top 10 most unusual things not everyone can do!
Homo Sapiens is a restless species, always wanting to achieve the unachievable, that is why every year we get to see some unbelievable feats achieved by people with an unusual talent.
As astonishing and appealing as they may appear, these wonderful people have perfected their acts over years and with a lot of hard work. All of them are or have been included in the greatest world records. Also, all of them are so out of the world and surely are amusing so let’s get started with it.
A word of caution: Some of these acts are dangerous and can harm you so we highly recommend that you do not perform them on your own.
It’s just worms!
Yes, you read it right. We are talking about a man named John Peter who actually owns a Guinness World Record for eating worms. This Indian man is known for eating the highest number of worms in just a minute ever recorded in history.
Disgusting? Digest this now. As per the sources, he usually includes earthworms and insects in his daily diet and often consumes 10 to 20 lizards just like a snack every day. He also likes to eat these as a side dish even when he is eating something normal.
A unique way to hide your beard!
Truly a very fine masterpiece here. There can not be a more unique way to hide your beard that to so perfectly as he did. Yes, we are talking about Joel Strasser who actually went for creating this record by inserting 3,500 toothpicks in his beard. To be honest he totally nailed it! It actually took him 3 hours and 13 minutes to create this record and to date, no one has cracked it.
A real-life ‘Magneto’?
Not made of real magnet though, this boy’s face can handle so many spoons without dropping them. His talent is super unusual and hardly anyone can do it. Joe Allison holds the record to balance 16 spoons at a time on his face. It amazes me all the more to know that Joe performed this at the age of 9.
More Macs, please!
Macs are something of which you can never get bored. So why not have them every single day? The answer to this was given by Donald A. Gorske, He is known for holding a record of having the highest number of Big Macs from McDonald’s. He has eaten around 30,000 hamburgers in his lifetime.
Need any clothes pegs?
To be honest there is so much pain in this picture but I’m sure it is worth it as Silvio Sabba became a record holder. Yes, this Italian man clipped 51 pegs on his face and became the Guinness world record holder in 2012. Cannot even imagine what his face would have looked like when he took those pegs off!
Let’s climb the stairs!
Going for stairs is good for health but this man took it to a next level. Li Long Long walked up 36 consecutive stairs on his head. This Chinese athlete broke is his own record and indeed hits headlines due to his talent. What do you think can you climb stairs like him?
Metal Coil passes through the nose and comes out of the mouth!
Oh God! yes it’s true. At first, it looks way more dangerous than anything we have seen but then he made it to the Guinness Book of World Records so who’s complaining? Yes, we are talking about the one and only Andrew Stanton who was successful in passing a metal coil through his nose and it finally came out from his mouth. It was around 3.63m and honestly can not imagine how it would have felt after removing it.
A Hug is all you need!
What is better than getting a day-long hug from your best friend? Ron O’Neil and friend Theresa Kerr took their friendship to a higher level by creating a record of the longest hug ever. They hugged each other for straight 24 hours and 33 minutes and broke all the previous records. Can you and your best friend break this record?
More Piercing? Yes, please!
Piercing is a part of both fashion and tradition and many do like it. But isn’t having 720 piercing a bit much? Well, guess what Elaine Davidson firstly held a record of having 462 piercings, and later she got in total 720. She has around 192 piercing only on her entire face and the remaining in the rest of her body.
Longest fart ever!
Yes, one of the prestigious Guinness worlds records ever noted includes this one too. Bernard Clemmens is the record holder to date and was noted to fart for 2 minutes and 42 seconds without stopping at all. Well, it might be a bit difficult for this record to break ever.
Bee cool!
Ruan Liangming created an astonishing world record in 2016 by having 6,37,000 bees on his body. The world record by this Chinese man no doubt is really cool and also in his interview, he mentioned that the calmer you stay the lesser will be the chances of bees stinging you. The most terrifying thing is that there were around 60 queens included which are the most dangerous of their kind.
That’s it for the top unusual things that people do and we will be coming up with more such articles. Which of these do you think is the most surprising and dangerous one?