
The bizarre conspiracy theory of Lizard People!

The Reptilian Conspiracy theory which is also commonly known as the Lizard People Theory has been very popular in the late 2000s. Now the current bombing at Nashville has reignited the debate around this conspiracy theory dragging some of the well-known personalities of the industry and even some politicians.

The bizarre theory was put forth by David Icke which somehow received a varying degree of acceptance from a large part of the population after he published many books on the topic in the 2000s. Surprisingly, according to the recent poll many people still believe in the Lizard People Theory. Let’s learn all about this theory.

Origination of this conspiracy theory

Robert E. Howard’s “Conan the Barbarian” was one of the first fictions which consists of Lizard people and as Syracuse University’s professor Michael Barkun claimed that the “serpent men” in the story of “The Shadow Kingdom” led to the entire idea of the theory. Basically, these serpents were described to have a human body but a snake’s head. They lived in passages in underground places and possessed the ability to change their bodies and control a human mind.

Later many such stories and poems had such creatures described in them including David Icke’s book Children of the Matrix. He is one of the most famous conspiracy theorists and was the one who claimed that these creatures are aliens are actually sent to Earth for ruling over the humans. According to him they are one of the most elite groups of the society and are having many politicians getting possessed by these reptilians.

According to the theory, the reptilians are blood-thirsty creatures and have been on earth since the ancient period. They have been merging with human beings and they interbreed to increase their race and population on Earth. Icke claims that these creatures are always hungry for power and influence and thus have been influencing the famous strong personalities for their own purpose. He also claimed that some of them are a strong part of secret societies like the Illuminati and many more.

Who are these Lizard people?

As per the books and the talk made on the theory these creatures can change shape and body whenever and wherever they want. As per Philip Bump’s content on the theory, he said that these creatures have low blood pressure and as they are linked with aliens they will usually have love for space and UFO.

Some also say that the lizard people will have green, blue or hazel eye colors and they can also change their eye colors if they want. The bodies may have strange scars and Icke’s theory was also linked with the Bible which attracted the attention of many.

For example, when a serpent asked Eve to have an apple, the talk of the Serpent was linked with these creatures as per the theory. Many such Bible passages and phrases along with real-life video clips and pictures were framed to prove this conspiracy theory. The evidence provided by him led to many getting involved in the Lizard people theory and also many famous personalities liked reading his books.

Well, the true reason behind many getting captivated by this theory was because they felt unique by linking them to the creatures and the aliens. It also became easy for people to understand how the powerful people gained such power by linking them to the special groups of alien reptile-human creatures.

Is the Christmas Day bombing related to the theory?

Anthony Quinn Warner, 63, the suspect of the Nashville bombing died due to the blast. The investigators working on the case checked the surveillance video and found that no one else was present near the vehicle during the blast except Warner. Before the explosion happened Warner spoke to a woman claiming that he has cancer and also gave his car to her.

The explosion occurred in the RV parked outside the AT&T building. Close to 41 offices got damaged and after some investigations, officials suspect that the Lizard People conspiracy theory was his motive for the bombing. Warner was a believer of the Lizard people theory and when his digital devices were checked they found clues related to the setup of the bomb inside the vehicle.

Warner used to camp in his vehicle in serval spots of Tennessee to hunt aliens and his conspiracy of the reptiles hit headlines earlier when he dragged politicians and Hollywood figures by calling them alien lizards. The conspiracy also states that the lizard-like creatures were behind several tragedies and calls out Justin Bieber, Obamas, Clintons and Bob Hope as lizards.

We don’t know if the current bombing was a result of Warner’s belief in this incredible conspiracy theory but if it turns out to be so, then we hope that the believers of the theory will maintain peace and stay away from such acts.

Let us know your thoughts regarding the theory and if it sounds credible to you!

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