
How to childproof your house?

Children’s natural curiosity can lead them into potentially dangerous situations in the home. Although it is impossible to fully childproof a home, some steps can be taken to effectively protect children. Look for protective devices that are strong enough to withstand children’s attempts to open them, but easy enough for adults to install and use. Consider testing out devices at the homes of friends and family members to find the ones that work best for you before making a purchase. Our childproofing checklist can be a helpful resource to ensure that your home is as safe as possible for children. So let’s check out how to childproof your house!

Ways to childproof your house

Install safety gates

How to childproof your house
Source: The Bump

Installing safety gates is the first step in childproofing your home, as it can prevent young children from accessing areas that could be dangerous or off-limits. There are various types of gates available, such as pressure-mounted gates and hardware-mounted gates. Pressure-mounted gates are easy to install and remove, but they are not recommended for use at the top of stairs or in other high-risk areas. Hardware-mounted gates are more secure and can be used in any location, but they require more installation work.

Cover electrical outlets

Covering electrical outlets is crucial for childproofing your house. Electrical outlets can pose a serious risk to young children who may be tempted to stick objects into them or put their fingers inside. To prevent such accidents, it is important to ensure that all electrical outlets are securely covered.

There are several types of outlet covers available on the market. One of the most common types is the plastic outlet cover, which can be easily inserted into the outlet and covers the holes to prevent access by children. Another type is the sliding outlet cover, which allows adults to slide the cover over the outlet when not in use but can be easily opened when needed.

Secure cabinets and drawers

How to childproof your house
Source: Flipkart

Securing cabinets and drawers is the first thing that might come to mind for a childproof house. Cabinets and drawers in kitchens, bathrooms, and other areas can contain hazardous items. Some items such as cleaning products, and sharp utensils, might look harmless to adults but could pose a risk to young children. To prevent access to such items, it is important to ensure that cabinets and drawers are securely locked.

One effective way to secure cabinets and drawers is to use childproof locks. These locks are available in a variety of styles, including adhesive locks, magnetic locks, and sliding locks. Adhesive locks are attached to the inside of the cabinet or drawer using a strong adhesive. Whereas, magnetic locks and sliding locks are installed on the outside and use magnetic or sliding mechanisms to secure the cabinet or drawer.

Use corner guards

Let’s agree that you cannot childproof a house without corner guards. Sharp corners on tables, desks, and other furniture can pose a risk to young children who may accidentally bump into them and sustain injuries. Corner guards can help prevent such accidents by cushioning the impact of a child’s body against the sharp edges.

These guards are typically made of soft materials such as foam or rubber and can be easily attached to furniture corners using adhesive backing. They are available in a variety of colors and styles to match the decor of a room and can be removed without damaging the furniture.

Keep cords out of reach

Cords can pose serious hazards to young children, who may become entangled or accidentally pull on them, causing objects to fall or electrical appliances to topple. To prevent such accidents, it is important to ensure that cords are kept securely out of a child’s reach.

One way to do this is to use cord shorteners or organizers to bundle and secure cords out of reach. These devices are widely available and can be used to gather and hold cords for appliances, electronics, and other items. They can be attached to walls, furniture, or other surfaces, and can help prevent children from accessing cords that could pose a danger.

Use door stoppers

This one is missed by most parents. Doors can pose a risk to young children who may accidentally close them on their fingers, or be hit by a swinging door. Door stoppers can help prevent such accidents by holding doors open or preventing them from slamming shut. It is important to ensure that door stoppers are securely in place and cannot be easily removed by children. Door stoppers should be checked regularly to ensure that they are still intact and functioning properly.

Remove choking hazards

Young children are also at risk of choking on small objects that can easily be swallowed or lodged in their throats, such as coins, buttons, small toys, and other items. To prevent such accidents, it is important to ensure that all choking hazards are removed from areas accessible to children.

You can do this by conducting a thorough sweep of the house, identifying and removing any small objects that could be a choking hazard. This may include items such as loose change, small toys, and other small objects that could be easily swallowed.

Additionally, it is important to supervise children closely and teach them about the dangers of putting small objects in their mouths. It is also a good idea to encourage children to play with age-appropriate toys that are too large to be swallowed.

Use non-slip bath mats

Young children who are learning to walk and may be more prone to slips and falls. Bath mats can be handy in making your house fall-proof. One of the simplest ways to use bath mats for childproofing is to place them in strategic locations around the house. These locations could be in front of the bathtub, sink, or toilet, where water or soap residue could create a slippery surface.

By providing a textured and non-slip surface, bath mats can help reduce the risk of slips and fall. This is especially important in areas where children may be more likely to play or climb.

Install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors

In the end, you have to be more cautious about everything once you become a parent. If you don’t have smoke and carbon monoxide detectors installed in your home, then you should get it done before you bring the child home. Smoke detectors are crucial for alerting you and your family in case of a fire.

Carbon monoxide detectors can detect the presence of this dangerous gas that can be lethal, especially for children, if not detected early. By installing these detectors, you can ensure that you and your family are alerted in case of an emergency, giving you valuable time to evacuate the premises safely.

You can never be sure about what mischief your children will do next, but you can be prepared for it. By best friend, and a mother of twins, said she planned her house thinking of her boys as agents of destruction. She laughs at the thought but she has had 2 years without any serious accidents. That’s commendable! With a little bit of thought and a planned approach, you can also have stress-free parenthood. I you liked this post, then you must check out more posts in our Women Section and Quick Read section

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