
Increase in hair fall: Why and How to stop it.

If people say breakups hurt the most, they probably haven’t experienced hair fall. And if you find yourself agreeing to this statement, we’re on the same boat. Hair fall hurts so much more than just the disturbing sight of finding the precious locks everywhere from the floors to the showers!

However, not every hair fall is a cause of concern. If you’re shedding up to 100 hair strands a day, that’s considered pretty normal. But if it’s more, you should start working on it. Luckily, there are several remedies available and no, I’m not talking about injecting chemicals to your scalp, these remedies are completely NATURAL!

Ummmm interesting? Here are some probable causes of your hair fall and some tried-and-tested home remedies to help them!


Hair Fall due to stress

If you have noticed a sudden increase in hair fall during the exam month or when there’s a lot of workload, stress is to blame! To help it, just take some time to de-stress. Massage your scalp with Amla oil to help both your hair and mind at one go!


Periods cause Hair Fall

Estrogen levels in women are at their lowest during monthlies. As they fall, the level of Iron falls too, causing excessive hair shedding. However, if it continues for more than two weeks, probably something else is the cause.


Unfortunately, the rains in real life are nothing like the Shraddha Kapoor movies. The pollutants present in the rainwater can rob your hair of its natural moisture and make it frizzy. Also, take extra care of your hair during monsoons to steer clear of dandruff.

Monsoon Hair Care

  • Use hydrating shampoos and conditioners (preferably sulfate-free)
  • Oil your hair
  • Shampoo more often.
  • Always shampoo if drenched. The sooner the better.
  • Make sure to dry your hair thoroughly
  • Brush your hair regularly (better if with a wide toothed comb)


Yes, the hormones could be at it yet again. Hormones play a crucial role and an imbalance of them can affect us adversely. When it comes to hair, the effects include brittle, dull and dry hair. Estrogens are hair-friendly hormones and help in hair growth. Androgens, on the other hand, can shorten the hair growth cycle significantly.

Hair Fall due to hormones

Feel restless, depressed, have anxiety or insomnia? It’s probably the thyroid hormones. However, although they require medical attention, thyroid disorders are curable. Along with medications, increase vitamin, iron and herb intake to help your hair growth cycle.

PCOS, another common hormonal disorder, often causes hair loss. Losing scalp hair and growing more hair at the chest or belly areas marks hair fall due to PCOS. Treatments help to ease the symptoms significantly so if PCOS seems to be the cause, visit your doctor asap. Fenugreek (Methi seed), Cinnamon, Cinnamon, Tulsi, Honey, Amla, Bitter gourd and Ivy gourd are common kitchen essentials known to help PCOS.


Iron deficiency is another common cause of hair loss in women. Without enough iron, your body can’t produce enough Haemoglobin, which is essential for the transport of Oxygen (a very essential element for proper hair growth). If you experience weakness, extreme fatigue, headache chest pain, fast heartbeat or lightheadedness, your cause of hair fall is most probably Anemia.

To treat hair loss from anaemia, it is important to treat the underlying cause. Increase intake of Vitamin C, fruits, leafy greens, meat and poultry, seafood and dry fruits. Visit a doctor if symptoms seem too severe.

Hair Fall due to Anemia

Vitamin B-12 deficiency

As mentioned already, Oxygen is essential for hair growth. Vitamin B-12 helps in the production of oxygen-rich RBCs which help to provide oxygen and enhance hair growth!

If weakness, tiredness, pale/yellow skin, difficulty walking/ thinking, numbness seem familiar to you, it could be B-12 deficiency. Taking multivitamins, shots of B-12 and B-12 pills helps to cease the deficiency. If you’re a vegetarian or vegan, make sure to have bread, cereals fortified with vitamin B-12 to avoid the condition since plant-based diets generally do not offer much of the vitamin.


Hair Fall due to styling

Yes, proper styling can make or break your day. However, if your hair isn’t reacting well, you should probably shift to the ‘hair-friendly’ ways for daily use. Don’t worry, it’s pretty easy- wearing your hair loose forming the most important point. Lose hairstyles take the stress away from your tress and help with breakage. Also, try to avoid heat. Styling devices such as hairdryers, curling wands and straighteners can expose your hair to dry heat causing breakages.

Pregnancy and Menopause

Hair Fall cause of menopause

If you’re a new mother worrying about the sudden loss of shine from your hair, it is a postpartum effect. You aren’t alone though, the imbalance of hormones makes it difficult for most women to keep up with. In for good news? It’s actually an illusion! Remember how your hair turned into it’s most charismatic self during the pregnancy months?

It was a play of hormones as well and what you’re experiencing now is the due hair shedding from those months. So basically, your hair is just getting back to normal!

The same hormones, estradiol and progesterone, come into play in menopause and cause hair thinning. Although naturally irreversible, hormone replacement therapy helps to reverse the procedure.

Which one seems to be your cause of hair fall? Have any unobvious cause of hair fall that we missed? Let us know in the comments below!

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