
Scary futuristic weapon-tech that exists

War is an unfortunate reality of life. It’s also the area where, often, technology advances at several paces ahead of every other sector. These are some of the most advanced (and scariest) ideas for weapons currently in development or which have already been developed.

This list of a few of the weapons that are already in public knowledge raises questions about what else might be there that hasn’t been made public yet. Have a look.

The Heart Attack Gun

Heart Attack Gun (HAG) is a weapon that was revealed in 1975 at a committee hearing led by Frank Church. It was developed by the CIA to carry out secret assassinations.

Poisonous darts from this gun would penetrate clothing and leave only a small red dot on the skin’s surface, and the person shot would feel nothing but a slight sting, comparable to a mosquito bite. Once inside the body, the dart would disintegrate and the frozen poison inside it would melt, enter the bloodstream, and cause cardiac arrest.

Shortly after, the deadly agent would become virtually undetectable and only a skilled pathologist who knew what to look for would ever discover the victim’s heart attack wasn’t from natural causes but planned. The weapon is also linked to the untimely and mysterious deaths of public figures such as J. Edgar Hoover, Marilyn Monroe and John F. Kennedy.

The findings of the Church Commission caused a massive frenzy in the United States. In the aftermath, the President had to issue executive orders banning the tactics of targeted assassinations by the CIA and other intelligence agencies.

What became of the heart attack gun is anyone’s guess. Many conspirators believe that the CIA is still using it to this day.

Hypersonic Missiles

Hypersonic missiles are capable of traveling at more than 15 times the speed of sound, and arrive at their targets with terrifying accuracy and zero warning, in a blinding, destructive flash. So far, there are no known surefire defenses against this advanced weapon.

Hypersonics are being developed in countries like the United States, China, Russia, India, etc. even though countries are still struggling to build defenses against them and the missiles could dangerously raise the risk of nuclear conflict in the future.

The Pentagon said that on March 5, 2020, a test vehicle flew at hypersonic speeds — more than five times the speed of sound — to a designated impact point. This development could threaten to change the nature of warfare.

VX Gas

VX gas is a toxic agent that operates by attacking the nervous system. If you have direct exposure to it, you will begin to have symptoms of nausea and convulsions, and eventually die due to respiratory failure and paralysis.

There have been few cases of VX attacks, one being its use in an assassination. Kim Jong Nam, the half-brother of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, was exposed to the deadly agent by two stealthy assassins, and he died within minutes of exposure.

This nerve agent was categorized as a weapon of mass destruction and was banned by the Chemical Weapons Convention of 1993, prompting 98% of its worldwide stockpiles to be destroyed as of December 2015. Some countries known to possess VX are the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, North Korea and Syria.

Quantum Stealth

Seems like ‘invisibility cloaks’ will now exist not just in Harry Potter, but also in real life. Scientists at Hyperstealth, a Canadian camouflage design company, have been developing Quantum Stealth, a paper-thin material that renders an object completely invisible by bending light waves around it. The material reportedly removes not just your visual, infrared (night vision) and thermal signatures, but also the target’s shadow.

Though skeptics remain unconvinced about Quantum Stealth and maintain that they will believe it when they don’t see it, the firm has reportedly demonstrated the material to two command groups in the U.S. military and the Canadian military, as well as to federal counter-terrorism teams.

The international implications of such a development are obvious, as this would make it possible for soldiers and special forces to operate in enemy territory undetected. It would reduce the risk of casualties during military operations while increasing the ability to launch surgical and surprise attacks or conduct sabotage and assassination. It is unimaginable the amount of destruction that would be caused if this technology became available to terrorist groups and guerrilla forces.

BZ hallucinogen

MKUltra, one of the CIA’s most famous projects, revolved around mental warfare. In the project, they aimed to create a chemical that would make enemy soldiers turn on one another, giving them a huge advantage on the battlefield. This project ended up giving us the super-hallucinogens we know today, one of which is 3-quinuclidinyl benzilate, better known as BZ.

The drug produces confusion, disorientation, and disturbances in perception, and was designed to make soldiers perceive their fellow soldiers as some of the most terrifying things in the world, incapacitating them due to the panic or making them turn on their own mates. The only problem was that these types of drugs are wildly unpredictable and cause everyone to have different hallucinations.


Wondering why smallpox is being mentioned in this list? Because it is not just a deadly disease, but also a horrible bio-weapon.

Symptoms of smallpox include high fever, chills, headaches, and severe back and abdominal pain. While those go away after a few days, the real horror is yet to come. An infected person develops a rash on the skin, starting on the face and then developing abscesses all over the body that fill with pus and eventually burst.

This painful disease was cruelly used as a weapon for longer than one may realize. In the 14th century, Tartar forces catapulted the corpses of smallpox victims into besieged towns to weaken and destroy entrapped defenders.

It was also used as a biological weapon in the famous siege of Fort Pitt. Soldiers distributed blankets that had been used by smallpox patients with the intent of initiating outbreaks among American Indians, causing an epidemic that killed more than 50% of infected tribes.

Although there have been no new cases of smallpox after vaccination was carried out worldwide, the fact that it could still be engineered as a bio-weapon in the future is a terrifying thought.

EXtreme ACcuracy Tasked Ordnance (EXACTO)

Image Source: DARPA

This one might be one of the smallest and scariest weapons that we have listed here. The EXACTO is a self-steering, guided bullet designed for military snipers. This “smart” bullet improves the accuracy significantly over long-range in unfavorable conditions (such as high winds).

It’s the capability to home in on targets and even maneuver in mid-air to compensate for target movement or changes in wind speed. The scary part is that this technology, in the wrong hands, can be a deadly threat to society allowing the bad guys to shoot with near pinpoint accuracy at long range and not being noticed.

We went from swords, guns and bombs to missiles, poisonous gases and stealth weapons. We can’t help but wonder, what are the next weapons on the horizon, and will they be more terrifying than the last?

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is based on the information available on the internet and the website or the author does not vouch for the veracity of the facts or reliability of the sources quoted herein. The author is not an authority on the subject and has merely aggregated the information from various sources for the ease of users.

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