Quick Reads

Common kitchen ingredients that are like slow poison

We frequently overlook how each ingredient on the kitchen shelf can affect our health and well-being while cooking on a daily basis. But did you know that certain common cooking ingredients are a slow poison that can cause fatal lifestyle disorders?

Kitchen ingredients that are like slow poison


It’s difficult to imagine our daily meals without this white poison, Salt. Salt is an essential ingredient in everything from curries to sabzis to fried snacks to healthy soups. When consumed in excess, this inseparable ingredient becomes a slow poison. This is because salt contains sodium, and a high salt intake can raise blood pressure, increasing the risk of cardiac disease and stroke. According to experts, the daily salt intake should be less than 5 milligrams of sodium per serving.


This kitchen staple adds sweetness to tea, coffee, shakes, and sweet treats, but you’ll be surprised to learn that an excessive intake of this common ingredient can gradually lead to an insulin imbalance, leading to Diabetes. According to one study, eating too much-refined sugar can lead to obesity, inflammation, and cardiac problems, to name a few. According to the American Heart Association, the maximum sugar intake for men should be around 150 calories per day and for women should be around 100 calories per day.


Source: Healthline

It is impossible to cook without oil, but excessive use of oil in daily cooking may increase the risk of heart disease, fatty liver, and stroke. Excessive consumption of fried and oily foods may result in obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes. No more than 3 tablespoons should be consumed.

White Flour

Source: 24 Mantra

Another white poison lurking on your kitchen shelf is white flour, also known as Maida. From crispy bhaturas to puri to cakes, this one ingredient has been a staple for centuries, but what if we told you it’s also the cause of digestive issues like constipation, indigestion, bloating, and even Celiac disease? Gluten in flour adheres to the intestinal walls, affecting the process of bowel movement and causing digestive and gut problems.

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