
Best Covid-19 Memes!

With Covid-19 cases rising and the pandemic covering almost the entire globe, the stress levels are also rising. Being confined to homes doesn’t really help deal with this stress. Escape the heat and the tension around the health emergency with these best covid-19 memes. Help yourself with laughter and humor to deal with the anxiety. As per doctors and Psychologists, laughter is healthier than nutrition supplements.

So give yourself a few mins of free laughter with this awesome collection of hilarious memes around Covid-19 because there is no better way to deal with a problem than to laugh it off.

The Famous Thali Project

We discovered a lot about our house and how much time it takes to clean it too 😀

Best covid-19 memes Ambani

The elitism bias took a U-turn

Best covid-19 memes travel
Source: Tamilmemesfunny

It has never happened in the history of India that someone who travelled abroad would not boast about it to others. The fear of quarantine has changed the basic nature of humans.

The number of cases turned out to be controlled by the state.

Best covid-19 memes north korea

A new category of humans evolved -The Covidiots

Best covid-19 memes neha dhupia

The social distancing has stopped all the fights

Best covid-19 memes Bahubali

The new “C” word

Best covid-19 memes china

As a matter of fact, China as a topic attracted the most number of Covid-19 memes due to the origin of the virus as well as China’s attempt to hide it from the rest of the world. The eating habits of the Chinese people was also one of the most popular meme topics.

The ‘Go Corona Go’ chant haunted me for months, I’m sure Coronavirus heard it too and mutated

Internet – the new basic amenity

Best covid-19 memes Modi

As it turned out, when the physical world failed us, the virtual world was our only saviour. Internet connection was the most sought after thing in lockdown times after toilet rolls and hand sanitizers 😀

Mobile Phones – the new movie theater

Best covid-19 memes mobile phone

What else is the family for…

I hope you liked these memes on Covid. If you would like to see more of these or would like us to cover any other topic then just drop in a comment and we shall fulfill your wish.

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